IEL @ SimBuild24

👉 Join us at #SimBuild 2024, May 21-23! The Intelligent Environments Laboratory has three contributions:

1️⃣ “Reinforcement Learning in Building Energy Management: Challenges and Future Directions” by yours truly on 📅 May 21, 🕰 2:45pm (Presentation Session 1)

2️⃣ “Applications in CityLearn Gym Environment for Multi-Objective Control Benchmarking in Grid-Interactive Buildings and Districts” by Kingsley Nweye on 📅 May 22, 🕰 1:45pm (Technical Session 10)

3️⃣ “Revolutionizing the Future” with panelist yours truly on 📅 May 23, 🕰 8:45am (Plenary Session 3)

Zoltan Nagy
Zoltan Nagy
Assistant Professor

My research interests include reinforcement learning for buildings and smart cities.